Lunch & Learn
Sign up for a Lunch & Learn session! Lunch & Learns are a great opportunity for individuals to expand their knowledge, engage in discussions, and network with others who share a common interest in supporting and protecting children. During a lunch and learn session at our CAC, a presentation is led by CAC staff, participants reveive a tour of the building and can ask questions. The topics covered in a lunch and learn can vary widely, depending on the needs and interests of the participants.
Call Sarah at 906-789-5186 x 3 or email to set up a lunch and learn for your friends, group, club, or colleagues.
Darkness to light
We offer The Darkness to Light (D2L) curriculum, which is a comprehensive child sexual abuse prevention program designed to educate adults about the signs, impact, and prevention of child sexual abuse. This program provides participants with knowledge, skills, and strategies to recognize and respond to child sexual abuse. Call us today to set up your D2L session!